Fulbright Commission

Look Away Book Release Recap: An Evening of Insight and Reflection with Fulbright alumnus Jacob Kushner

Look Away Book Release Recap: An Evening of Insight and Reflection with Fulbright alumnus Jacob Kushner

On May 28th, 2024 Fulbright Germany, in collaboration with the Barenboim-Said Akademie, the Max Planck Law Network, and Bard College Berlin, hosted an event in Berlin featuring Jacob Kushner, journalist and author of "Look Away." Kushner's book delves into the story of Beate Zschäpe and her accomplices, chronicling their radicalization within Germany's far-right scene and their horrifying spree of violence from 2000 to 2011.

Prof. Dr. Jacob Eder, Professor of Modern and Contemporary History at Barenboim-Said and Fulbright alumnus, warmly welcomed Jacob Kushner and the collaborating partners. He contextualized the book’s themes within broader societal developments, emphasizing the imperative to reflect and take responsibility.

Counselor for Public Engagement at the US Embassy Berlin and Fulbright Germany Board member, Cherrie Daniels, in her welcome remarks, highlighted the relevance of taking individual and collective responsibility for our democracy by quoting Marian Turski: "Silence is the coward’s option. Indifference is injustice." This event underscored the necessity of confronting historical and contemporary injustices, inspiring the audience to pursue knowledge and foster mutual understanding in the pursuit of universal humanism.

In an engaging discussion moderated by Dr. Alexandra Kemmerer (Max-Planck-Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law), Kushner explored the themes of his book, emphasizing the dangers of indifference and the importance of actively seeking justice and understanding.

The evening was beautifully complemented by a musical performance by Barenboim-Said Akademie students Eesa Khoury and Kristina Georgieva on the violin.We are grateful for Jacob Kushner's presentation as well as for the wonderful opportunity to closely work  with our partners on this important topic.

Photo credits: Olivia Noss